Section 8: Reports > Accounting Reports

Daily Payment Summary by Transaction Date

This report is an open item list of daily payments for a specified period of time, grouped by date of payment transaction and payment method (see Payments, and Payment Methods).

Report totals include the total amount paid and the number of payments made, including a subtotal for each payment method. The report is sorted by payment date, payment method, customer name, and invoice number. And it may be filtered by business location.

Report Option Fields



Bus. Location

Enter or select the business location for which to generate the report or leave blank for all business locations. This report option is not available in the Repair Lite and Repair Micro editions.

Date Range

Enter or select the starting date for records to include on the report or leave blank for all records before the ending date. Also enter or select the ending date for records to include on the report or leave blank for all records after the starting date. The date range is based on payment date.


TIP     Because this is an open item report and is based on the actual payment date, any payment adjustments as well as pre- and post-dated payments will appear on the date of the payment transaction, not the date that the entry was recorded. For a ledger-based version of this report that is based on the entry date, see Daily Payment Summary by Entry Date.

(See also Reporting on Payment Methods.)


Invoice Ledger Listing