


10-digit dialing. See ten-digit dialing

1-inch repair label, 560, See also labels

label orientation, 287

label printer, 287

label type and size, 288

number of copies, 287

number of copies for local workstation only, 287

options, 287


2-inch repair label, 560, See also labels

label orientation, 288

label printer, 288

label type and size, 289

number of copies, 289

number of copies for local workstaion only, 289

options, 288


3-inch repair label, 561, See also labels

label orientation, 290

label printer, 290

label type and size, 290

number of copies, 290

number of copies for local workstation only, 290

options, 289


Abandoned Repair Orders report, 480

Adobe Acrobat files

exporting to, 479

Adobe Acrobat Reader

installing, 44, 445


advertising methods

exporting, 618

importing, 577

Advertising Methods Listing report, 542

Aged Miscellaneous Receivables report, 510

Aged Receivables report, 511

Alpha39 bar codes. See Code 39 bar codes

approval/refusal methods

exporting, 619

importing, 577

Approval/Refusal Methods Listing report, 542

At Your Service Software

sending files to, 704

Audit Invoice Ledger for Balances report, 511

Audit Invoice Ledger for Missing Transactions report, 511

Audit Payment Ledger for Balances report, 511

Audit Payment Ledger for Missing Transactions report, 512

Average Repair Times and Charges report, 480

Average Repair Vendor Performance report, 481

Average Repair Vendor Times and Costs report, 482

aysrepairstat.txt file, 696



Microsoft Access databases, before repairing with Database Repair Utility, 704

Microsoft Access databases, restoring automatically, 705

Microsoft Access databases, restoring manually, 706

bar code reader

selecting, 104

system requirements, 36

bar code types

Alpha39. See Code 39 bar codes

Code 3 of 9. See Code 39 bar codes

Code 3/9. See Code 39 bar codes

Code 39. See Code 39 bar codes

UPC. See UPC bar codes

USD-3. See Code 39 bar codes

USS Code 39. See Code 39 bar codes

bar coded reports by name

Customer Bar Code Listing, 545

Inventory Bar Code Listing, 501

Makes and Models Bar Code Listing, 547

Makes Bar Code Listing, 548

Package Codes Bar Code Listing, 548

Service Codes Bar Code Listing, 549

Vendor Bar Code Listing, 551

bar codes

adding to forms, 463

adding to labels, 564

adding to reports, 554

carriage return after scan, 104

definition, 716

printing, on 1-inch repair label, 560

printing, on 2-inch repair label, 560

printing, on 3-inch repair label, 561

printing, on customer repair invoice form, 255

printing, on repair assignment form, 245, 249

printing, on repair estimate form, 241

printing, on repair order form, 238

printing, on third-party billing repair invoice form, 259

working with, 104


editing records, 609

printing forms, 461, 564

browse windows

selecting a form, 455, 461, 564

selecting a label, 561

Business Locations Address Listing report, 543

Business Locations Communication Listing report, 543

Business Locations Configuration Listing report, 543

business logo

adding to forms, 462

adding to labels, 564

adding to reports, 554

forms, 463


cable modem

definition, 716

system requirements, 36

carriage return

after bar code scan, 104

definition, 716

exporting to comma-delimited files, 613

exporting to field-delimited files, 613

exporting to tab-delimited files, 614

importing from comma-delimited files, 572

importing from tab-delimited files, 572

cascading style sheets. See CSS

Categories Listing report, 544

Categorized Makes and Models Listing report, 544


characters not encrypted, 659

language support, 149


attaching a file, 102, 116

attaching an Internet hyperlink, 102, 116

context menu, 116

copying formatted address to, 116, 117

copying to, 115

cutting to, 115

definition, 716

keystroke shortcuts, 117

overview, 115

pasting fax number to fax printer driver, 116, 295, 459, 478

pasting from, 116

Code 3 of 9 bar codes. See Code 39 bar codes

Code 3/9 bar codes. See Code 39 bar codes

Code 39 bar codes. See also bar codes

definition, 716

usage, 104

comma-delimited files

default export file format, 612

default import file format, 572

exporting to, 479, 612

importing from, 572

Completed Repair Orders report, 483


exporting, 619

importing, 578, 584

Conditions Listing report, 544

context menu

clipboard functions, 116

control panel

configuring Microsoft SQL Server database, 72, 74, 76

configuring MySQL database, 65, 67, 68

configuring ODBC DSN data source, 65, 67, 68, 72, 74, 76

default label printer, 287, 288, 290

default printer, 203, 236, 239, 244, 247, 250, 253, 256, 260, 263, 266, 269, 271, 274, 278, 281, 284, 663

definition, 716

installing from, 38

Internet connection options, 659

label printer settings, 563

label type and size, 288, 289, 290, 560, 561

modem settings, 659

printer settings, 458, 477

regional and language options, 148, 149

repairing program installation from, 42

uninstalling from, 42

copy. See clipboard

Credit Note Listing report, 512

credit notes

printing forms while saving, 456

Crystal Reports files

exporting to, 479


definition, 717

system requirements, 36

CSV files. See comma-delimited files


dollar, 98

euro, 98

pound, 98

yen, 98

Custom Captions Listing report, 544

custom.txt file, 124

Customer Account Balances report, 512

Customer Address Listing report, 545

Customer Bar Code Listing report, 545

Customer Communication Listing report, 546

Customer Configuration Listing report, 546

Customer Contacts Listing report, 546

customer credit note form, 453, See also forms

customer repair invoice form, 451, See also forms

printing bar codes on, 255

customer sales invoice form, 452, See also forms

Customer Statements (Ledger) report, 513, See also statement form

Customer Statements (Open Item) report, 513, See also statement form


exporting, 624

exporting contacts, 624

exporting with contacts, 628

importing, 586

importing contacts, 585

Customers Over Their Credit Limit report, 514


data exports, adding export options, 646

data exports, adding or removing fields, 645

data exports, after updating to a new version, 646

data exports, customized by At Your Service Software, 646

data exports, discussion, 645

data exports, for business-specific requirements, 646

data exports, naming exported file with a date stamp, 612

data exports, naming exported file with a time stamp, 612

data imports, adding or removing fields, 606

data imports, after updating to a new version, 606

data imports, customized by At Your Service Software, 606

data imports, discussion, 606

data imports, for business-specific requirements, 606

forms, adding a business logo, 462

forms, adding a digital photograph, 463

forms, adding a graphical letterhead, 462

forms, adding a textual letterhead, 462

forms, adding an electronic signature, 463

forms, adding bar codes, 463

forms, adding or removing fields, 463

forms, after updating to a new version, 465, 466

forms, customized by At Your Service Software, 466

forms, customizing yourself, 465

forms, discussion, 462

forms, for business-specific requirements, 463

forms, in another language, 463

labels, adding a business logo, 564

labels, adding a digital photograph, 564

labels, adding an electronic signature, 564

labels, adding bar codes, 564

labels, adding or removing fields, 564

labels, after updating to a new version, 565, 567

labels, customized by At Your Service Software, 566

labels, customizing yourself, 565

labels, discussion, 564

labels, for business-specific requirements, 565

labels, in another language, 565

reports, adding a business logo, 554

reports, adding a digital photograph, 554

reports, adding a graphical letterhead, 554

reports, adding a textual letterhead, 554

reports, adding an electronic signature, 554

reports, adding bar codes, 554

reports, adding or removing fields, 554

reports, adding report options, 555

reports, after updating to a new version, 465, 556, 557, 558, 566

reports, customized by At Your Service Software, 557

reports, customizing yourself, 556

reports, discussion, 554

reports, for business-specific requirements, 555

reports, in another language, 555

reports, sequential number series, 555

reports, updating the database, 555

cut. See clipboard


Daily Payment Summary by Entry Date report, 514

Daily Payment Summary by Transaction Date report, 515

Database Repair Utility

exiting, 703

installing, 702

main program window, 703

overview, 702

running, 702

uninstalling, 702


naming exported file with a date stamp, 612

detail fields

adding to a data export, 645

adding to a form, 463

adding to a label, 564

adding to a report, 554

device driver. See drivers

dialog box. See dialog window

dialog window

definition, 717

e-mailing a form, 459

faxing a form, 458

optionally displaying before paying invoices, 113

optionally displaying before printing forms, 113

paying an invoice, 419, 420, 421, 422

printing a form, 457

printing a label, 562

viewing a form, 457

viewing a label, 562

digital photographs

adding to a form, 463

adding to a label, 564

adding to a reports, 554

display resolution. See resolution


currency support, 98


definition, 717

fax printers, default fax method, 297

fax printers, default settings, 477

fax printers, faxing forms, 459

fax printers, faxing reports, 477

fax printers, pasting a fax number, 116

fax printers, selecting, 297

fax printers, system requirements, 36

fax printers, technical overview, 295

label printers, default settings, 563

label printers, label type and size, 288, 289, 290, 560, 561

printers, default settings, 458

printers, paper bins, 203, 236, 239, 244, 247, 250, 253, 257, 260, 263, 266, 269, 271, 274, 278, 281, 284


definition, 717

sytem requirements, 36

DTD files. See XML files


electronic signatures

adding to a form, 463

adding to a label, 564

adding to a reports, 554


sending exported data, 617


forms, 459

reports, 478


data on repair status web site, 659, 694

definition, 717

exported data, 646

ftp user name and password, 646

Microsoft SQL server user name and password, 72, 74, 76

not Chinese and Japanese characters, 659

passwords, 96


currency support, 98


Database Repair Utility, 703

Expired Warranty Cards report, 483

Expiring Warranty Cards report, 483


batch record editing, 609

categories, from ledgers, 643

categories, from main modules, 624

categories, from setup modules, 618

categories, from tools modules, 643

customizing, adding export options, 646

customizing, adding or removing fields, 645

customizing, by At Your Service Software, 646

customizing, discussion, 645

customizing, for business-specific requirements, 646

customizing, naming exported file with a date stamp, 612

customizing, naming exported file with a time stamp, 612

data, advertising methods, 618

data, approval/refusal methods, 619

data, conditions, 619

data, customer contacts, 624

data, customers, 624

data, customers with contacts, 628

data, fault codes, 619

data, inventory, 633

data, inventory ledger, 643, 644

data, makes and models, 620

data, repair steps, 621

data, serial number notices, 621

data, serialized inventory, 634

data, service codes, 636

data, shipping methods, 622

data, standard notes, 643

data, technicians, 622

data, vendor contacts, 636

data, vendors, 637

data, vendors with contacts, 639

data, warranty cards, 641

data, warranty plans, 623

destination, automatically opening exported file, 479

destination, sending via e-mail, 480, 617

destination, sending via MAPI, 480

destination, to disk, 479, 616

destination, to Microsft Exchange folder, 479

destination, uploading via FTP, 617

encrypted data, 646

format, supported formats, 612

format, to Adobe Acrobat file, 479

format, to comma-delimited file, 479, 612

format, to Crystal Reports file, 479

format, to field-delimited file, 613

format, to HTML files, 479

format, to Microsoft Excel file, 479, 614

format, to Microsoft Word file, 479

format, to ODBC, 479

format, to report definition file, 479

format, to rich text file, 479

format, to tab-delimited file, 479, 572, 614

format, to text file, 479

format, to XML file, 479, 615

format, to ZIP file, 612

forms, using Crystal Reports, 460

overview, 609

reports, using Crystal Reports, 478

selecting fields to export, 616

selecting module to export, by keyword, 611

selecting module to export, from alphabetized list, 609, 611

selecting module to export, from categorized list, 610

standard options, 612

whether to include file extension, 612


fault codes

exporting, 619

importing, 578

Fault Codes Analysis report, 484

Fault Codes Listing report, 547

fax printer drivers. See drivers


forms, 458

reports, 477

field-delimited files

exporting to, 613


sending to At Your Service Software, 704

forms. See also forms by type

customizing, adding a business logo, 462

customizing, adding a digital photograph, 463

customizing, adding a graphical letterhead, 462

customizing, adding a textual letterhead, 462

customizing, adding an electronic signature, 463

customizing, adding bar codes, 463

customizing, adding or removing fields, 463

customizing, after updating to a new version, 465, 466

customizing, by At Your Service Software, 466

customizing, discussion, 462

customizing, for business-specific requirements, 463

customizing, in another language, 463

customizing, yourself, 465

e-mailing, 459

exporting, using Crystal Reports, 460

faxing, 458

overview, 449

printing, 457

printing, batches, 461, 564

printing, number of copies, 457

printing, printer, 457

printing, printer options, 457

printing, while saving credit notes, 456

printing, while saving purchase orders, 456

printing, while saving repair orders, 456

printing, while saving sales invoices, 456

selecting, from a browse window, 455, 461, 564

selecting, from the file menu, 455

selecting, from the print button, 455

types, repair order, 449

viewing, 457

forms by type. See also forms

customer credit note, 453

customer repair invoice, 451

customer sales invoice, 452

purchase order, 454

purchase return, 454

purchase return packing slip, 455

repair assignment, 450

repair estimate, 450

repair invoice packing slip, 452

repair subcontract, 450

repair subcontract packing slip, 451

sales invoice packing slip, 453

statement, 454

third-party billing credit note, 453

third-party billing repair invoice, 452

third-party billing sales invoice, 453


exporting via, default parameters, 646

uploading exported data, 617



definition, 718

e-mail, 292

e-mail, for faxing via e-mail, 297

e-mail, for SMS via e-mail, 299

license required for Captaris RightFax, 295



on the web, 45

on-line, 45

program tips, 45

tool tips, 45

video tutorials, 45, 711, 715

HTM files. See HTML files

HTML files

exporting to, 479



categories, from main modules, 584

categories, from setup modules, 577

categories, from tools modules, 605

customizing, adding or removing fields, 606

customizing, by At Your Service Software, 606

customizing, discussion, 606

customizing, for business-specific requirements, 606

data, advertising methods, 577

data, approval/refusal methods, 577

data, conditions, 578, 584

data, customer contacts, 585

data, customers, 586

data, fault codes, 578

data, inventory, 593

data, inventory serial numbers, 596

data, makes and models, 578

data, repair orders, 596

data, repair steps, 581

data, serial number notices, 581

data, service codes, 599

data, shipping methods, 582

data, standard notes, 605

data, technicians, 582

data, vendor contacts, 600

data, vendors, 600

data, warranty cards, 603

data, warranty plans, 583

field matching, automatic, 573

field matching, custom, 574

field matching, manual, 574

format, from comma-delimited file, 572

format, supported formats, 571

overview, 571

processing, 576

selecting a file, 571

standard options, 575

testing, 576


Adobe Acrobat reader, 44, 445

At Your Service

license, 42

on a LAN, 38

on a WAN, 39

on a workstation, 38

service pack, 41

Database Repair Utility, 702

MDAC, 43

Microsoft Internet Explorer, 44

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express, 44

MySQL, 43

QuickBooks foundation classes, 44


exporting, 633

importing, 593

Inventory Bar Code Listing report, 501

inventory ledger

exporting, 643, 644

exporting data, 643

Inventory Ledger Listing report, 503

Inventory Listing report, 502

inventory serial numbers

importing, 596

Invoice Ledger Listing report, 516



characters not encrypted, 659

language support, 149


keyboard wedge. See bar code reader

keyboard,clipboard shortcuts, 117


labels. See also labels by type

customizing, adding a business logo, 564

customizing, adding a digital photograph, 564

customizing, adding an electronic signature, 564

customizing, adding bar codes, 564

customizing, adding or removing fields, 564

customizing, after updating to a new version, 565, 567

customizing, by At Your Service Software, 566

customizing, discussion, 564

customizing, for business-specific requirements, 565

customizing, in another language, 565

overview, 560

printing, 562

printing, label orientation, 287, 288, 290

printing, label printer, 287, 288, 290, 563

printing, label type and size, 288, 289, 290

printing, number of copies, 287, 289, 290, 563

printing, number of copies for local workstation only, 287, 289, 290

printing, printer options, 563

printing, while saving repair orders, 562

selecting, from a browse window, 561

selecting, from the file menu, 561

selecting, from the print button, 561

viewing, 562

labels by type. See also labels

1-inch repair label, 560

2-inch repair label, 560

3-inch repair label, 561


forms in another language, 463

labels in another language, 565

reports in another language, 555


adding to forms, 462

adding to reports, 554

forms, 463

textual, 463

license agreement, 11

line feed

definition, 718

exporting to comma-delimited files, 613

exporting to field-delimited files, 613

exporting to tab-delimited files, 614

importing from comma-delimited files, 572

importing from tab-delimited files, 572


main modules

exporting data, 624

importing data, 584

Make and Model Default Estimates report, 484

makes and models

exporting, 620

importing, 578

Makes and Models Bar Code Listing report, 547

Makes and Models Listing report, 548

Makes Bar Code Listing report, 548

Makes Listing report, 548


definition, 719

e-mail, configuring, 293

e-mail, reply address for estimated notice, 460, 686

e-mail, reply address for repair status web site, 698

e-mail, selecting, 292

e-mail, technical overview, 291

e-mail, testing settings, 293

fax, configuring, 297

fax, selecting, 297

fax, supported servers, 295

sending a form or report, 480

SMS, selecting, 299


installing, 43

Microsoft Access databases

backups, before repairing with Database Repair Utility, 704

repair, unsuccessful, 704

Microsoft Access databases

corruption, 702

repairing, with Database Repair Utility, 703

Microsoft Access databases

sending for manual repair, 704

Microsoft Access databases

backups, restoring automatically, 705

Microsoft Access databases

backups, restoring automatically, 705

Microsoft Access databases

backups, restoring manually, 706

Microsoft Excel files

exporting to, 479, 614

Microsoft Exchange

exporting to, 479

Microsoft Internet Explorer

installing, 44

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express

installing, 44

Microsoft Word files

exporting to, 479

Miscellaneous Customer Account Balances report, 516


installing, 43

MySQL databases

e-mailing forms, 460

e-mailing reports, 478

faxing forms, 459

printing forms, 458

printing labels, 563

printing reports, 477

viewing forms, 457

viewing labels, 562

viewing reports, 476



definition, 719

editing custom dictionary file, 124

viewing log files, 657



exporting to, 479

Outstanding Backordered Items report, 504

Outstanding Deadline Repairs reports, 485

Outstanding Ordered Items report, 504

Outstanding Purchase Orders report, 505

Outstanding Subcontracted Repairs report, 485

Outstanding Warranty Repairs report, 486


Package Codes Bar Code Listing report, 548

Package Codes Listing report, 548

packing slip

forms, purchase return packing slip, 455

forms, repair invoice packing slip, 452

forms, repair subcontract packing slip, 451

forms, sales invoice packing slip, 453

Part Fault Analysis report, 487

Parts Order Worksheet report, 505

Parts Usage report, 507

paste. See clipboard

Payment Ledger Listing report, 517

Payment Summary by Entry Date report, 518

Payment Summary by Transaction Date report, 518

PDF files. See Adobe Acrobat files


currency support, 98

Prepayment Summary report, 519

printer drivers. See drivers

defintion, 720


bar codes. See bar codes

forms, 457

labels, 562

reports, 476

Profit Summary by Category report, 519

Profit Summary by Customer report, 520

Profit Summary by Make report, 522

Profit Summary by Repair Vendor report, 523

Profit Summary by Technician report, 524

purchase order form, 454, See also forms

purchase orders

printing forms while saving, 456

purchase return form, 454, See also forms

purchase return packing slip form, 455, See also forms

Purchase Summary by Part report, 507

Purchase Summary by Vendor report, 508



QuickBooks foundation classes

installing, 44


registry. See Windows registry


Microsoft Access databases, unsuccessful, 704

repair assignent form. See also forms

repair assignment form, 450

repair assignment form,printing bar codes on, 245, 249

Repair Completion Statistics report, 488

repair estimate form. See also forms

repair estimate form, 450

repair estimate form,printing bar codes on, 241

Repair Invoice Listing report, 525

repair invoice packing slip form. See also forms

repair invoice packing slip form, 452

Repair Knowledge Base report, 488

repair order form, 449, See also forms

repair order form,printing bar codes on, 238

repair orders

importing, 596

printing forms while saving, 456

printing labels while saving, 562

Repair Orders Awaiting Arrival or Dispatch report, 489

Repair Orders Awaiting Estimate report, 489

Repair Orders Awaiting Parts report, 489

Repair Orders Awaiting Repair or Repair In Process report, 490

Repair Orders Received report, 490

Repair Orders Refused by Technician report, 490

Repair Status Listing report, 490

Repair Status Summary report, 491

repair steps

exporting, 621

importing, 581

Repair Steps Listing report, 549

repair subcontract form. See also forms

repair subcontract form, 450

repair subcontract packing slip form. See also forms

repair subcontract packing slip form, 451

Repair Time Bottlenecks report, 491

Repair Vendor Costs report, 526


Microsoft Access database, with Database Repair Utility, 703

Repairs by Repair Vendors that were Re-Repaired report, 492

Repairs by Technicians that were Re-Repaired report, 493

Repairs that were Re-Repaired report, 494

Repeat Miscellaneous Customers report, 527

Repeat Repairs by Repair Vendors report, 496

Repeat Repairs by Technicians report, 497

Repeat Repairs report, 495

report definition files

exporting to, 479

reports. See also reports by name

categories, accounting reports, 510

categories, inventory reports, 501

categories, listing reports, 542

categories, repair reports, 480

categories, security reports, 553

context reports, 475

customizing, adding a business logo, 554

customizing, adding a digital photograph, 554

customizing, adding a graphical letterhead, 554

customizing, adding a textual letterhead, 554

customizing, adding an electronic signature, 554

customizing, adding bar codes, 554

customizing, adding or removing fields, 554

customizing, adding report options, 555

customizing, after updating to a new version, 465, 556, 557, 558, 566

customizing, by At Your Service Software, 557

customizing, discussion, 554

customizing, for business-specific requirements, 555

customizing, in another language, 555

customizing, sequential number series, 555

customizing, updating the database, 555

customizing, yourself, 556

e-mailing, 478

exporting, using Crystal Reports, 478

faxing, 477

overview, 473

printing, 476

printing, number of copies, 476

printing, page range, 476

printing, printer, 476

printing, printer options, 476

selecting, 473

selecting, by keyword, 475

selecting, from alphabetized list, 474

selecting, from categorized list, 474

selecting, from the reports menu, 475

viewing, 476

reports by name. See also reports

Abandoned Repair Orders, 480

Advertising Methods Listing, 542

Aged Miscellaneous Receivables, 510

Aged Receivables, 511

Approval/Refusal Methods Listing, 542

Audit Invoice Ledger for Balances, 511

Audit Invoice Ledger for Missing Transactions, 511

Audit Payment Ledger for Balances, 511

Audit Payment Ledger for Missing Transactions, 512

Average Repair Times and Charges, 480

Average Repair Vendor Performance, 481

Average Repair Vendor Times and Costs, 482

Business Locations Address Listing, 543

Business Locations Communication Listing, 543

Business Locations Configuration Listing, 543

Categories Listing, 544

Categorized Makes and Models Listing, 544

Completed Repair Orders, 483

Conditions Listing, 544

Credit Note Listing, 512

Custom Captions Listing, 544

Customer Account Balances, 512

Customer Address Listing, 545

Customer Bar Code Listing, 545

Customer Communication Listing, 546

Customer Configuration Listing, 546

Customer Contacts Listing, 546

Customer Statements (Ledger), 513

Customer Statements (Open Item), 513

Customers Over Their Credit Limit, 514

Daily Payment Summary by Entry Date, 514

Daily Payment Summary by Transaction Date, 515

Expired Warranty Cards, 483

Expiring Warranty Cards, 483

Fault Codes Analysis, 484

Fault Codes Listing, 547

Inventory Bar Code Listing, 501

Inventory Ledger Listing, 503

Inventory Listing, 502

Invoice Ledger Listing, 516

Make and Model Default Estimates, 484

Makes and Models Bar Code Listing, 547

Makes and Models Listing, 548

Makes Bar Code Listing, 548

Makes Listing, 548

Miscellaneous Customer Account Balances, 516

Outstanding Backordered Items, 504

Outstanding Deadline Repairs, 485

Outstanding Ordered Items, 504

Outstanding Purchase Orders, 505

Outstanding Subcontracted Repairs, 485

Outstanding Warranty Repairs, 486

Package Codes Bar Code Listing, 548

Package Codes Listing, 548

Part Fault Analysis, 487

Parts Order Worksheet, 505

Parts Usage, 507

Payment Ledger Listing, 517

Payment Summary by Entry Date, 518

Payment Summary by Transaction Date, 518

Prepayment Summary, 519

Profit Summary by Category, 519

Profit Summary by Customer, 520

Profit Summary by Make, 522

Profit Summary by Repair Vendor, 523

Profit Summary by Technician, 524

Purchase Summary by Part, 507

Purchase Summary by Vendor, 508

Repair Completion Statistics, 488

Repair Invoice Listing, 525

Repair Knowledge Base, 488

Repair Orders Awaiting Arrival or Dispatch, 489

Repair Orders Awaiting Estimate, 489

Repair Orders Awaiting Parts, 489

Repair Orders Awaiting Repair or Repair In Process, 490

Repair Orders Received, 490

Repair Orders Refused by Technician, 490

Repair Status Listing, 490

Repair Status Summary, 491

Repair Steps Listing, 549

Repair Time Bottlenecks, 491

Repair Vendor Costs, 526

Repairs by Repair Vendors that were Re-Repaired, 492

Repairs by Technicians that were Re-Repaired, 493

Repairs that were Re-Repaired, 494

Repeat Miscellaneous Customers, 527

Repeat Repairs, 495

Repeat Repairs by Repair Vendors, 496

Repeat Repairs by Technicians, 497

Revenue Sumamry by Technician, 538

Revenue Summary (Ledger), 527

Revenue Summary (Open Item), 527

Revenue Summary by Advertising Method, 528

Revenue Summary by Category, 529

Revenue Summary by City, 530

Revenue Summary by Country, 531

Revenue Summary by Customer (Ledger), 532

Revenue Summary by Customer (Open Item), 532

Revenue Summary by Fault Code, 533

Revenue Summary by Make, 534

Revenue Summary by Province/State, 535

Revenue Summary by Repair Vendor, 536

Revenue Summary by Service Code, 537

Sales Invoice Listing, 539

Serial Number Notice References, 497

Serial Number Notices Listing, 549

Serialized Inventory Listing, 509

Service Codes Analysis, 498

Service Codes Bar Code Listing, 549

Service Codes Listing, 550

Shipping Methods Listing, 550

Subcontracted Repair Orders Awaiting Estimate, 499

Taxes by Province/State (Ledger), 540

Taxes by Province/State (Open Item), 540

Technician Assignments, 499

Technician Commissions, 541

Technicians Listing, 550

Unapplied Credits, 542

User Security, 553

Users Listing, 553

Vendor Address Listing, 550

Vendor Bar Code Listing, 551

Vendor Communication Listing, 551

Vendor Configuration Listing, 552

Vendor Contacts Listing, 552

Warranty Cards Listing, 500

Warranty Plans Listing, 553

Warranty Repairs Listing, 501


display, definition, 720

display, system requirements, 36

display, toolbar button size, 310

picture files, business logo, 144

picture files, digital photograph, 103

Revenue Sumamry by Technician report, 538

Revenue Summary (Ledger) report, 527

Revenue Summary (Open Item) report, 527

Revenue Summary by Advertising Method report, 528

Revenue Summary by Category, 529

Revenue Summary by City report, 530

Revenue Summary by Country report, 531

Revenue Summary by Customer (Ledger) report, 532

Revenue Summary by Customer (Open Item) report, 532

Revenue Summary by Fault Code report, 533

Revenue Summary by Make report, 534

Revenue Summary by Province/State report, 535

Revenue Summary by Repair Vendor report, 536

Revenue Summary by Service Code report, 537

rich text format files

exporting to, 479

RTF files. See rich text format files


Database Repair Utility, 702


Sales Invoice Listing report, 539

sales invoice packing slip form, 453, See also forms

sales invoices

printing forms while saving, 456

Serial Number Notice References report, 497

serial number notices

exporting, 621

importing, 581

Serial Number Notices Listing report, 549

serialized inventory

exporting, 634

Serialized Inventory Listing report, 509

service codes

exporting, 636

importing, 599

Service Codes Analysis report, 498

Service Codes Bar Code Listing report, 549

Service Codes Listing report, 550

setup modules

exporting data, 618

importing data, 577

shipping methods

exporting, 622

importing, 582

Shipping Methods Listing report, 550

short message service. See SMS


configuring settings, 298

configuring settings in the Internet Utility, 662

definition, 721

disabling for individual customers, 329

discussion, 298

message length, 120, 686, 687, 688

prioritizing, 677, 678, 680, 681, 683, 684

responding to an estimated notice, 687

sending a message, 119

sending estimated notices, 678

sending overdue notices, 684

sending pickup notices, 681

sending to multiple numbers, 120

supported services, 298

system requirements, 36

technical overview, 298

spell check

dictionary, custom, 124

standard notes

exporting, 643

importing, 605

statement form, 454, See also customer statements (ledger) report, customer statements (open item) report, and forms

Subcontracted Repair Orders Awaiting Estimate report, 499


tab-delimited files

exporting to, 572, 614

tab-delimtied files

exporting to, 479

Taxes by Province/State (Ledger) report, 540

Taxes by Province/State (Open Item) report, 540

Technician Assignments report, 499

Technician Commissions report, 541


exporting, 622

importing, 582

Technicians Listing report, 550

ten-digit dialing

definition, 722

fax number formatting, 296

text messaging. See SMS

third-party billing credit note form, 453, See also forms

third-party billing repair invoice form. See also forms

third-party billing repair invoice form, 452

third-party billing repair invoice form,printing bar codes on, 259

third-party billing sales invoice form, 453, See also forms


naming exported file with a time stamp, 612

tools modules

exporting data, 643

importing data, 605

TTX files. See tab-delimited files

TXT files. See tab-delimited files, See field-delimited files, See comma-delimited files, See report definition files

custom dictionary file, 124

exporting to, 479

repair status data file, 696


Unapplied Credits report, 542

UNC. See universal naming convention

uniform resource identifier. See URL

uniform resource locator. See URL


At Your Service, 42

Database Repair Utility, 702

universal naming convention

definition, 722

path for daily backups, 61

path for data exports, 616

path for permanent digital photographs, 300

path for synchronization, 82, 664

path for temporary digital photographs, 300

path for timed backups, 60

universal product code. See UPC bar codes

UPC bar codes

definition, 722

reading, 104


custom data exports, 646

custom data imports, 606

custom forms, 465, 466

custom labels, 565, 567

custom reports, 465, 556, 557, 558, 566



attaching an Internet hyperlink, 102, 116

definition, 722

USD-3 bar codes. See Code 39 bar codes

User Security report, 553

Users Listing report, 553

USS Code 39 bar codes. See Code 39 bar codes


Vendor Address Listing report, 550

Vendor Bar Code Listing report, 551

Vendor Communication Listing report, 551

Vendor Configuration Listing report, 552

Vendor Contacts Listing report, 552


exporting, 637

exporting contacts, 636

exporting with contacts, 639

importing, 600

importing contacts, 600


forms, 457

labels, 562

reports, 476

virtual private network. See VPN


definition, 723

Microsoft mail programs restricted because of, 292

repairing program installation after, 41


definition, 723

not recommended for direct connection, 39

synchronizing a mobile database across, 80, 663



definition, 723

installing At Your Service on, 39

optimizing for speed, 50

synchronizing a mobile database across, 80, 663

warranty cards

exporting, 641

importing, 603

Warranty Cards Listing report, 500

warranty plans

exporting, 623

importing, 583

Warranty Plans Listing report, 553

Warranty Repairs Listing report, 501

wide area network. See WAN

Windows clipboard. See clipboard

Windows control panel. See control panel

Windows Notepad. See Notepad

Windows registry

definition, 723

editing, 720

MAPI e-mail settings defaulted from, 293

SMTP e-mail settings defaulted from, 292, 294

uninstalling settings, 42


symbol in place of backslash character, 150



XLS files. See Microsoft Excel files

XLSB files. See Microsoft Excel files

XLX files. See Microsoft Excel files

XML files

definition, 723

exporting DTD files, 479

exporting to, 479, 615

exporting to .XLSX format, 614



currency support, 98

symbol in place of backslash character, 150


ZIP files

definition, 723

exporting to, 612

exporting to .XLSX format, 614

installing custom forms, 466

installing custom labels, 567

installing custom reports, 558

saving a zipped backup, 59, 70, 78



Bar Code

Cable Modem

Carriage Return


Code 39

Control Panel


Device Driver

Dialog Box










IP Address




Local Area Network









Printer Driver

Proxy Server


Registry Editor







Start Menu

System Tray


TCP Port

Ten-Digit Dialing



Universal Naming Convention





Wide Area Network

Windows Registry

