Section 8: Reports > Listing Reports

Customer Address Listing

This report is a list of customer accounts with their complete addresses (see Customers).

The report may be sorted by customer account number, customer quick code, or customer name. And it may be filtered by whether to exclude inactive customer accounts.

Report Option Fields



Sort by

Select the desired sort order, either by customer account number, by customer quick code, or by customer name (the system default).

Exclude Inactive Accounts

Check this box (the system default) to exclude inactive customer accounts, or uncheck this box to include all customer accounts.


The miscellaneous customer account (i.e. customer account 0000000) is not included on the report. And the country will only be included in the formatted address if it is different from the country entered on the business location address of the currently logged in user (see Business Location - Address Tab).


Customer Bar Code Listing