Section 8: Reports > Inventory Reports

Inventory Listing

This report is a detailed listing of each inventory item (see Inventory). It is printed in landscape orientation.

Report totals include the total inventory purchase value and selling value. The report may be sorted by part number, item description, or make. And it may be filtered by inventory location, purchase vendor, make, whether to exclude inactive items, and whether to include low- and minimum-stock items. The report may also optionally include inventory item notes.

Report Option Fields



Inv. Location

Enter or select the inventory location for which to generate the report or leave blank for all inventory locations.


Enter an assigned purchase vendor account number for which to generate the report, 0 for miscellaneous vendor accounts, or leave blank for all vendors. Optionally, select the purchase vendor name for which to generate the report. The entered vendor filter may match any of the three purchase vendors configured for an inventory item (see Inventory Item - Vendors Tab).


Enter or select the make for which to generate the report or leave blank for all makes.


Enter or select the model for which to generate the report or leave blank for all models.

Sort by

Select the desired sort order, either by part number (the system default), by item description, or by make.

Exclude Inactive Items

Check this box (the system default) to exclude inactive inventory items, or uncheck this box to include inactive inventory items (see Inventory Overview for a definition of inventory items with an “inactive” inventory status).

Include only Low- and Minimum-Stock Items

Check this box to include only low- and minimum-stock inventory items, or uncheck this box (the system default) to ignore the in-stock status of all inventory items (see Inventory Overview for a definition of inventory items with a “low-stock” or “minimum-stock” inventory status).

Include Inventory Item Notes

Check this box (the system default) to include inventory item notes, or uncheck this box to exclude inventory item notes.


The total purchase value is determined by multiplying the quantity in stock by the average purchase price. The total selling value is determined by multiplying the quantity in stock by the selling price.

This report is available only in the Repair SQL, Repair, and Repair Mobile editions.

(See also Inventory Bar Code Listing, and Serialized Inventory Listing.)


Inventory Ledger Listing