Section 10: Importing Data > Data Imports for Main Modules

Importing Service Codes

This data import will import records for the Service Codes main module (see Service Codes).

Imported Fields

AYS Field

Field Name Matching

Notes and Data Validation

Service Code

ServiceCode, ServCode, or Code

Unique service code. A text string of up to 30 characters for licensed users of version 3.0 and higher, up to 10 characters for licensed users of version 2.4 and higher, or up to 6 characters for all other versions. It may not include spaces and may not begin with an asterisk (*) or a percent sign (%). It is a required field and may not be empty. If an existing record with matching data in this field is found then that record will be updated.

Code Type

CodeType or Type

Service code type. A text string with a specific set of acceptable values, including Note, Labour or Labor, Shipping, Handling, and Travel. For licensed users of version 2.4 and higher Field is also an acceptable value. The first letter of each acceptable text string value is also acceptable.


Category, Cat, or Ctgy

Service code category. A text string of up to 20 characters.

This field will only be imported for licensed users of version 2.5 and higher.


Description or Desc

Service code description (if only one item). A text string of up to 120 characters. One of the description or dropdown fields must not be empty.


Dropdown or Drop

A list of service code item descriptions separated by the vertical bar (|) character to be displayed as a dropdown list. Each item description can be up to 120 characters. One of the description or dropdown fields must not be empty. If the description field is not empty then this field will be ignored.

This field will only be imported for licensed users of version 2.4 and higher.


Charge or Chg

Default charge for this service code. A monetary amount from -999999.99 to 999999.99, or from -99999999 to 99999999, depending on the number of currency decimal places specified in the Windows regional settings (see Entering Numbers).


Notes or Note

Notes for the service code. An unlimited text string.


Importing service codes is available only in the Repair SQL and Repair editions.

(See also Exporting Service Codes.)


Importing Vendor Contacts