Section 10: Importing Data > Data Imports for Main Modules

Importing Vendor Contacts

This data import will import vendor contact records for the Vendors main module (see Vendor - Contacts Tab).

Imported Fields

AYS Field

Field Name Matching

Notes and Data Validation

Vendor No.

VendorNumber, VendorNo, or VendNo

A vendor number from 1 to 9999999 or an alphanumeric vendor quick code of up to 7 characters. The vendor record must already exist. It is a required field and may not be empty.

Contact Name

ContactName or Cont

Name of vendor contact. A text string of up to 32 characters. It is a required field and may not be empty.


Title or Tit

Title or position of vendor contact. A text string of up to 32 characters.

Business Phone

BusinessPhone, Bus, Work, or Phone

Business phone number of vendor contact. A text string of up to 23 characters.

Mobile Phone

MobilePhone, Mobile, or Cel

Mobile phone number of vendor contact. A text string of up to 23 characters.



Fax number of vendor contact. A text string of up to 23 characters.



E-mail address of vendor contact. A text string of up to 200 characters for licensed users of version 2.7 and higher, or up to 50 characters for all other versions.


If an existing record with matching data from both the vendor number field and the contact name field is found then that record will be updated. Vendor contacts cannot be imported for the miscellaneous vendor account (i.e. vendor account 0000000).

Importing vendor contacts is available only for licensed users of version 2.6 and higher, and is not available in the Repair Lite and Repair Micro editions.

(See also Importing Vendors, Exporting Vendors, Exporting Vendor Contacts, and Exporting Vendors with Contacts.)


Importing Vendors