Section 10: Importing Data > Data Imports for Main Modules

Importing Vendors

This data import will import records for the Vendors main module (see Vendors).

Imported Fields

AYS Field

Field Name Matching

Notes and Data Validation

Vendor No.

VendorNumber, VendorNo, or VendNo

Unique vendor account number. A unique number from 0 to 9999999. The number value 0 means to auto-assign the next available sequential vendor number. If an existing record with matching data in this field is found then that record will be updated.

Vendor Name

VendorName, VendName, or Name

Vendor name. A text string of up to 70 characters for licensed users of version 2.5 and higher, or up to 50 characters for all other versions. It is a required field and may not be empty.

Vendor Account

VendorAccount, VendorAcct, VendAccount, VendAcct, Account, or Acct

Account number assigned by vendor. A text string of up to 30 characters for licensed users of version 3.0 and higher, or up to 15 characters for all other versions.

Quick Code

QuickCode, VendorCode, or Code

Unique vendor quick-entry code. A unique alphanumeric text string of up 7 characters. The first character must always be a letter, not a digit.


Inactive or Active

Whether or not the vendor is inactive. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

Contact Name

ContactName, or Contact, or Cont

Contact name of vendor. A text string of up to 32 characters.

Address Line 1

AddressLine1, Address1, Addr1, Address, or Addr

Address line 1 of vendor. A text string of up to 32 characters.

Address Line 2

AddressLine2, Address2, or Addr2

Address line 2 of vendor. A text string of up to 32 characters.



City of vendor. A text string of up to 32 characters.


Province, State, Prov, Stat, or County

Province/state of vendor. A text string of up to 32 characters.

Postal/Zip Code

PostalCode, ZipCode, Post, or Zip

Postal/zip code of vendor. A text string of up to 10 characters.


Country or Ctry

Country of vendor. A text string of up to 32 characters.

Business Phone

BusinessPhone, Bus, Work, or Phone

Business phone number of vendor. A text string of up to 23 characters.

Toll-Free Phone

TollFreePhone or Toll

Toll-free phone number of vendor. A text string of up to 23 characters.



Fax number of vendor. A text string of up to 23 characters.



E-mail address of vendor. A text string of up to 200 characters for licensed users of version 2.7 and higher, 50 characters for licensed users of version 2.1 and higher, or up to 32 characters for all other versions.

Web Site

WebSite, Web, or Site

Web site address of vendor. A text string of up to 50 characters.

Reference 1

Reference1, Ref1, Reference, or Ref

Default reference 1 for this vendor. A text string of up to 30 characters.

This field will only be imported for licensed users of version 2.6 and higher.

Reference 2

Reference2 or Ref2

Default reference 2 for this vendor. A text string of up to 30 characters.

This field will only be imported for licensed users of version 2.6 and higher.

Ship Via

ShipVia, Shipping, Ship, or Via

Default shipping method for this vendor. A text string of up to 40 characters for licensed users of version 2.7 and higher, or up to 20 characters for all other versions.


Language or Lang

Default language of correspondence for this vendor. A text string with a specific set of acceptable values, including E or English for English, F or French for English/French, or S or Spanish for English/Spanish. Any invalid text string will default to English.

This field will only be imported for licensed users of version 2.6 and higher.

Accepts Subcontracted Repairs

AcceptRepairs or Repair

Whether or not repairs can be subcontracted to this vendor. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

This field will only be imported in the Repair SQL and Repair editions.

Accepts Purchase Orders

AcceptPurchaseOrders, PurchaseOrders, PurchaseOrd, PurchOrd, Purchase, or Purch

Whether or not parts can be purchased from this vendor. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

This field will only be imported in the Repair SQL and Repair editions.

Only One Make

Only One Make or One Make

Whether or not this vendor only sells parts for a single make. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

This field will only be imported in the Repair SQL and Repair editions.

Default Make

DefaultMake, DefMake, or Make

Default make for this vendor. A text string of up to 30 characters.

This field will only be imported in the Repair SQL and Repair editions.

Number of days after which purchase orders for this vendor automatically change to Backordered status

BackorderDays or Backorder

Number of days after which newly ordered purchase orders for this vendor will automatically be changed to the status of backordered. A number from 0 to 200. The number value 0 means no automatic status change.

This field will only be imported in the Repair SQL and Repair editions.

Notes to Print

NoteToPrint, PublicNotes, or Public

Printable notes for the vendor. An unlimited text string.

Copy these notes to all Subcontracted Repair Orders and new Purchase Orders for this Vendor

CopyNotesToPrint, CopyPublicNotes, or CopyPublic

Whether or not notes to print from this vendor are to be copied to other notes to print fields. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.

Private Notes

PrivateNotes, Private, or Notes

Private notes for the vendor (not to be printed). An unlimited text string.

Copy these notes to all Subcontracted Repair Orders and new Purchase Orders for this Vendor

CopyPrivateNotes, CopyPrivate, or CopyNotes

Whether or not private notes from this vendor are to be copied to other private notes fields. A logical Yes or No value. Acceptable values include Yes, No, True, or False.


The miscellaneous vendor account (i.e. vendor account 0000000) cannot be imported.

All fields are processed and validated as if the data was manually entered in each field from the vendors entry module (see Editing Vendors). Fields are not validated for required field data as configured under vendor module options (see module option “Required Vendor Fields” under Vendor Module Options). If any required fields are missing then the user will be forced to enter them the next time the imported record is opened for manual editing.

(See also Importing Vendor Contacts, Importing Vendor Accounts from QuickBooks, Exporting Vendors, Exporting Vendor Contacts, Exporting Vendors with Contacts, and Exporting Vendor Accounts to QuickBooks.)


Importing Warranty Cards