Section 8: Reports > Repair Reports

Average Repair Times and Charges

This report is a statistical analysis of the mean average repair times and charges for each make and model over a specified period of time (see Repair Orders/Invoices). In order for the statistics to be accurate, only records with valid data are included in the analysis (see below).

Report totals include the total number of repair invoices, the average number of hours required to repair an item, the average number of days from receipt of an item until the estimate is prepared, the average number of days from receipt of an item until the servicing or repair is completed, the average parts charge, and the average labour charge. The report may be sorted by make and model, or by category. And it may be filtered by make, category, warranty plan, and non-warranty repairs.

Report Option Fields




Enter or select the make for which to generate the report or leave blank for all makes.


Enter or select the category for which to generate the report or leave blank for all categories.

Warranty Plan

Enter or select the warranty plan for which to generate the report, or leave blank for all warranty plans.

Date Range

Enter or select the starting date for records to include on the report or leave blank for all records before the ending date. Also enter or select the ending date for records to include on the report or leave blank for all records after the starting date. The date range is based on the repair completed date.

Sort by

Select the desired sort order, either by make and model (the system default), or by category.

Exclude Warranty Repairs

Check this box to exclude warranty repairs, or uncheck this box (the system default) to include warranty repairs.


Repair invoices with a repair status equivalent to either “(Repaired) Awaiting Shipment from Repair Vendor”, “(Repaired) Awaiting Pickup by/Shipment to Customer”, or “(Repaired) Returned to Customer” are included on the report (see Repair Invoice     Statuses). Further, the repair completed date must be greater than or equal to the estimate prepared date, which in turn must be greater than or equal to the received date, or the repair invoice will not be included on the report.

If the categories entered with each make and the model vary from repair invoice to repair invoice then the most commonly used category will be listed. The Hours column is determined by calculating the mean average of the repair time in hours for all invoices where the repair time is not zero. The Estimated Days column is determined by calculating the mean average of the number of days difference between the received date and the estimate prepared date. The Done Days column is determined by calculating the mean average of the number of days difference between the received date and the repair completed date.


Average Repair Vendor Performance